The first and only protocol designed to accelerate algorithmic innovation by coordinating global intelligence.
The Innovation Game (TIG) is the first and only protocol designed to accelerate algorithmic innovation, by coordinating global intelligence.
TIG is underpinned by a novel proof-of-work mechanism that allows for optimisation of the proof-of-work algorithms.
TIG combines its proof-of-work with a crypto-economic incentive structure to not only incentivise miners (benchmarkers) to identify the best performing algorithms, but to also motivate and reward anyone worldwide who can contribute to algorithmic innovation.
TIG creates an open, collaborative and competitive ecosystem harnessing computational efforts over a wide spectrum of real-world challenges, spanning artificial intelligence, cryptography, biomedical research and climate science.
TIG is driven by the desire to direct the power of decentralised systems towards truly valuable purposes. By transcending limitations inherent in centralised entities, be they corporations or nation states, TIG can facilitate collaboration and achieve output on a scale previously impossible. Crucially, the protocol offers an alternative to the privatisation and monopolisation of algorithmic research, and accelerates open innovation in respect of science's most significant challenges.
We envision a meritocratic world in which anyone who is capable of algorithmic innovation has the opportunity to do so, and is recognised and rewarded.
We envision an open world in which anyone who can utilise an algorithm to solve a real world problem can do so, with innovation not merely the province of tech giants.
We envision a collaborative world, in which humanity works together to address its most pressing issues.
This kind of coordination protocol in relation to science and technology has never before existed, or even been possible. The consequence of success will be algorithmic innovation and value capture at a scale previously inconceivable, along with the potential to build the most secure and advanced decentralised network state we have seen to date.
Algorithmic innovation is hugely impactful.
Two of the main drivers of technological progress are a) improvements in hardware infrastructure, and b) algorithmic innovation. Improvements in hardware performance allow the execution of more complex and sophisticated algorithms, while new algorithms can optimise the use of hardware resources and greatly amplify their impact.
Recent advancements in deep learning and artificial intelligence, for example, have been fuelled by a combination of powerful GPUs and, crucially, new algorithmic approaches, such as convolutional neural networks and the Transformer architecture (arguably the most significant contributor to the recent AI boom).
Algorithmic innovations are the building blocks of science and technology, with singular algorithms having a multiplicity of applications.
Moreover, algorithmic innovation is not just impactful but necessary as we move into the future, particularly in light of concerns around Moore's law plateauing. Some of the key areas where innovations must happen include quantum-resistant cryptography and security, climate change and sustainability, and healthcare and personalised medicine. With hardware advancements looking increasingly unlikely to be able to solve all of our problems, algorithmic innovation will be critical.
At the heart of TIG lies a novel proof of work mechanism called Optimisable Proof of Work (OPoW). OPoW is a significant departure from both standard Proof of Work (PoW) mechanisms and Proof of Useful Work (PoUW) systems.
In standard PoW, miners compete to solve arbitrary mathematical puzzles to create new blocks and receive token rewards, incentivising them to contribute computational power to secure the network. PoUW systems aim to direct this computational power towards solving real-world challenges instead of arbitrary puzzles. In both, miners look to optimise their hardware in order to achieve rewards at a lower cost.
OPoW incentivises two categories of actors: a) innovators who create and optimise algorithms, and b) benchmarkers (analogous to miners within the system) who identify the most efficient algorithms. Within this system, computational work establishes a synthetic market for algorithms, with miners being incentivised to identify and adopt the most efficient ones.
The key innovation of Optimisable proof of work is allowing proof of work algorithms themselves to be optimised, while avoiding centralisation risk- retaining a decentralised and secure network.
The following are key features of TIG that keep it secure:
Despite its importance, algorithmic innovation faces significant challenges. It is difficult and relies on critical insights, making progress less certain and therefore more risky and less attractive for investment compared to hardware innovation.
While hardware innovation has attracted significant investment from both industry and governments, much algorithmic innovation has occurred within disparate university departments, relying on far more limited resources.
In recent years, algorithmic innovation in AI has been an exception, benefiting from well-funded research labs. However, this has highlighted its own problems. Making the results of research open and accessible has proved financially unsustainable, meaning that companies which originally invested in algorithmic innovation and made the results open, have been forced to change policy. This sees innovation trending towards being proprietary and monopolistic- this is particularly dangerous in the context of a field such as AI, where control over innovation could be tantamount to control over the global future.
Moreover, due to the general lack of funding, individuals with the skills and knowledge to make material contributions to algorithmic innovation may not have the financial incentives or necessary support to pursue this work.
TIG is the first protocol to create a coordination mechanism for algorithmic innovation, despite many efforts to create protocols for hardware. Utilising MfPoW, TIG aims to create a dedicated ecosystem and funding model for algorithmic development.
In this ecosystem, innovators will develop new algorithms and optimise existing ones; Benchmarkers will identify the most efficient algorithms. Algorithms will be available for licensing, with all license payments flowing into the system to reward contributors.
This model will provide anyone capable of materially contributing to algorithmic innovation with a platform to do so, along with recognition and reward. Additionally, it makes algorithms an investable asset class and captures the value of algorithmic innovation across various domains, from AI/ML and quantum computing to computational biology and climate science. TIG enables private investment while ensuring open results- in this way, it can be considered complementary to the current open source movement.
By leveraging the principles of Optimisable Proof of Work and the incentive structures of The Innovation Game, a successful implementation would give rise to a network state that places algorithmic innovation at its core, fostering a global community of innovators and benchmarkers who collaboratively push the boundaries of computational problem-solving.
The resulting ecosystem would be inherently secure, as the multi-factor nature of the proof of work consensus mechanism ensures a high degree of decentralisation and resilience against attacks. The continuous competition among miners to identify and adopt the most efficient algorithms would not only drive innovation but also contribute to the overall security and stability of the network.
Moreover, the meritocratic reward system and transparent governance model enabled by the network state could create a self-reinforcing cycle of innovation and growth, attracting top talent and resources from around the world to contribute to its development and success.
As the network state evolves and expands, it has the potential to become a global hub for algorithmic innovation, driving breakthroughs in fields such as artificial intelligence, cryptography, biomedical research, and beyond. The value captured within this ecosystem, both in terms of intellectual property and the dynamics of its native token, could reach unprecedented levels, creating a new paradigm for funding and sustaining scientific and technological progress.
We invite you to be a part of this transformative journey. If you can develop algorithms, do so. If you can optimise, try. If you can run a Benchmarker, set one up.
Above all, join the community. Question, learn, teach, and contribute. Together, we can shape the future of algorithmic innovation and fully unlock its potential.
With your support and participation, we can create a world of open science where algorithmic breakthroughs are not just possible but inevitable. Let's build a future defined by the power of algorithms and the collective intelligence of a global community united in the pursuit of innovation.